Friday, October 3, 2008

Revolution #3

The more I think about Jesus and his revolution, the more I'm convinced I wouldn't like him. At the very least I wouldn't want him to attend too many elder meetings. He must have been very uncomfortable to be around at times. I mean, the kinds of things he was asking people to give up (money, possessions, friends, family, life itself) were drastic.

Who does that?

Which of us would be willing to "sell all we have" in order to be part of the revolution? Which of us would leave our families behind to follow Jesus as he taught us how to suffer and die for the betterment of people around us. Who would EVER sign up for that kind of sacrifice, that kind of self denial? It's hard for me to go without ice cream or sex for too long...let alone giving up EVERYTHING to follow my revolutionary leader.

Anyone having second thoughts?

I am.

I mean, come on, sex is fun! Ice cream is good! Maybe Jesus' teaching about self sacrifice was hyperbole. Maybe it was a metaphor. In fact, I am sure that it was.

I am now certain that when Jesus called his followers to practice self-sacrifice as a lifestyle, what he really meant was we should build enormous church buildings, and borrow millions of dollars so that these structures can have air conditioning and hi-def television screens. Yes! And a big projector screen up front so we can have Nooma videos on endless loop. We should also have big fluffy chairs so that our asses don't get sore as we sip our cappuccino and watch our worship bands rock out to another Jesus tune. Righteous!

Yes I'm convinced, Jesus was all about the comfy.

Now, don't you feel better? I sure do. I am going to go sip a latte and thank God I am not starving to death in Darfur.