Thursday, January 7, 2010

Careful what you ask for

I had this great idea for the Sunday morning message this past week.

Motivated in part by the fact that I was sick and unable to do a lot of talking and also in part to my conviction that good preaching is a product of community, I decided to have an open discussion during the normal preaching time.

Instead of talking "at" I was actually talking "with" my church family. The subject: "Why preach?" which quickly developed in to "What to preach?"

I asked them to tell me what they thought we should spend time discussing in the year 2010.

Here are some of their responses:

- Heaven/hell
- Homosexuality
- The Trinity
- The Nature of God
- Reconciling the God of the OT with the God of the NT
- Church History, specifically Patrology
- Baptism
- What should Christian politics look like?
- Forgiveness and restoration
- Justice
- Intertestamental history
- Christian pacifism

Oh, and the above were in addition to the topics we had already slated for the year which include money, sex, peace, and the resurrection.

Someone has some work to do.


Anonymous said...

LOL That's quite the list, but if anyone can do it you sure can! I'll be listening on podcasts. :)

Scott Barger said...

Thanks Jenna! If you ever feel like preaching and returning to the cold, white Midwest, let me know.