Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Right Reverend Wright is Right

(Note: Posting from the road. I might add sketches later)

I watched the following video through a friends FaceBook link yesterday:

Anyone who knows me knows that I have, um, let's call it an "affinity" for N.T. Wright. Ever since I read Surprised by Hope a couple years ago (a book, by the way, that absolutely changed my life) I have been reading through Wright's stuff as fast as I can. He is an accomplished Bible scholar and prolific writer, so there is a lot of stuff to read, but it is always good and always challenging.

So when I saw a link to the video above, naturally I had to watch. It's called "Messianic Lunacy," a title which is dripping with the kind of stinging but true style of critique that Wright employs so often and so well.

The premise of the video is a question, " What makes N.T. Wright Angry?"

As I watched the video, I found myself, as usual, agreeing with what he was saying. Maybe I am an unthinking fan boy, but this Brit makes sense.

It is frustrating to encounter Christians who view the world so myopically and yet feel so strongly that they know just what is wrong and just how to fix it.

Watch it and become more awesome than you are right now.

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